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Welcome to Highway Games, an online magazine featuring the latest news, manufacturer & product information, distributors/resellers stock lists, and hopefully everything you are looking for related to the amusement & leisure industries. From arcade video games to pinball & slot machines, for coin-op or home, Highway Games is your online information source.
But Highway Games is much more. We are FEC amusement machine centre experts, from purchasing the correct equipment to how best to operate these machines. Its why we have been invited to work with the top amusement and home gaming companies, including the Korean Amusement Association and Tencent Gaming.
Online Magazine
Arcade Games
FEC Specialist
Game Development
Product Distribution
Highway Games, many hats….

Highway Games was one of the first to create an online magazine specifically designed for the coin operated arcade and gaming industries.

Our arcade customers range from home users, right up to corporate clients such as Galaxy Casino Macau.

We work closely with manufacturers to develop products, and establish markets. Please read our Thunderbirds Pinball case study.
Proven Income History…..
We want your product to develop, grow, and become the most successful it can be. Pay to play arcade is extremely difficult to master, and greatly different to home gaming. If you are looking to release your game into arcade for worldwide distribution, talk with Highway Games first.
Please read our Ocean King case study.